Why Choose Holy Cross?


A Catholic School

Holy Cross is a boutique Catholic school, educating students and located in the heart of Wooloowin since 1890.  We are an integral part of the Lutwyche Catholic Parish. At Holy Cross we pride ourselves on living the Catholic story through liturgy, ritual and outreach. As a school we prioritise supporting the spiritual, social, academic and wellbeing needs of all our learners.

A Place of Diversity, Learners and Learning

We create engaging wellbeing, academic and social learning experiences and diverse opportunities for children to learn and grow. We aim to develop strong relationships, build confidence,  and engage students within our community. These activities include our sporting program (swimming, athletics, touch football and cross-country), choir, band, camps and excursions and other activities such as Mini Vinnies, chess, robotics, tennis and instrumental music. We also offer extra curricular activities for students in the Arts and P.E. before and after school to further nurture our students. 

A Belonging Community

We believe there is something special about Holy Cross. Upon entering our school, we believe you can feel a sense of belonging and welcome. We cherish our supportive community spirit. Open communication between staff, students and families is encouraged in our effort to improve and grow relationships. Throughout the school year, many opportunities are provided for school families and parishioners to be actively involved in religious, educational, operational, social justice, social and fundraising activities.

A Range of Facilities for Learning

At Holy Cross we have wonderful facilities available to our learners and staff. We have 1-1 laptops in Year 3-6 and banks of laptops and iPads available for other classes to enhance learning. These are used within a safe environment and one which promotes appropriate digital citizenship. Our library is well resourced, and children have access to library lessons, library borrowing and lunch access three days a week. Play is an important part of a child's development and our students enjoy our attractive gardens, large oval and play spaces.

A Place for Parental Involvement

We encourage parents to be involved in the life of their school.  We have a vibrant parent community who contribute regularly to their children's education in a range of ways:

  • Weekly school assemblies and Class Masses: Our assemblies are a time when we gather together as a school, share what learning is occurring in our classrooms, and present awards to the students. We also pray our School Prayer, sing the National Anthem, and hear some messages from teachers. Parents are welcome to come along. Classes are rostered to join the Parish community to celebrate mass on a Friday morning at 9am.

  • Classroom assistance: The range of ways in which parents can assist the teacher and their child are many and varied. Activities will depend on the class teacher and the year level. Assistance may be sought with activities such as reading, writing, the perceptual motor program, and craft. Parents may also be invited to assist with sporting teams, particularly in our upper year levels.

  • Classroom coordinators: Class Coordinators play a very important role in the school. Their role is to provide the links between home and school, assist the school to liaison between parents about school matters, show preparedness to approach people about school matters, and ask for assistance (e.g. help running a stall at the festival). They also help to foster care and concern for one another by 'keeping an eye on members of the 'class family' and organise some form of social interaction with the parents (both Mums and Dads) on a regular basis (e.g. a class morning tea at school).

  • Uniform Shop: The Uniform Shop is staffed by volunteers and makes the job of buying new and second-hand uniforms much easier for all parents.
  • Tuckshop: The Tuckshop at Holy Cross is an extension of the school and is a service provided for the children,  staffed by volunteers and overseen by a Tuckshop Convenor. 

  • Parents & Friends Association: The Parents and Friends' Association (P&F) is an integral part of our school, planning and organising activities for the school's benefit.

If you would like to discover more about why Holy Cross is the best choice for your child's development and education, please phone the office on 38572443 to arrange a tour, and have a chat to our leadership team. You can discover the reasons for yourself, and become part of the Holy Cross Community too.
