Holy Cross promotes a NUT AWARE ENVIRONMENT in order to protect several students who suffer from a severe allergy to nuts, nut by-products and raw eggs. As a result we ask you not to send to school anything on the list below for your child’s lunch. Nut products can be deadly for these children.
All staff members are trained in the use of the Epipen which the students need should they come in contact with nut products. Students have already been spoken to about the condition. So please NO NUT PRODUCTS.
Please refrain from sending to school:
- sandwiches containing peanut or other nut butters and pastes, peanut paste, satay sauce, or Nutella
- nuts, packaged or in containers
- nut meats or nut rissoles or pesto
- nut biscuits, baklava and other nut pastries
- nuts on or in salads, cakes, buns, desserts, eg: praline, carrot cake, muffins
- marzipan
Please also check the labelling of muesli bars as many contain nuts or nut by products.