Because we care for each student in our school and we believe that open and honest communication between parents and teachers is of the utmost importance, we seek to take proactive action to effect a satisfactory solution to any difficulties.
- (a) When parents / guardians / carers are concerned about an issue regarding their child / children, parents / guardians / carers should, as soon as possible, contact their child’s teacher to discuss their concerns. Parents/Guardians/Carers with concerns should ring the class teacher to make an appointment that is appropriate to both teacher and parents/guardians/carers.
(b) For the purpose of noting the conversation, it is recommended that parents and teachers take notes of any formal meetings to discuss concerns. It is recommended that both teachers and parents sign any notes taken, so that they may be revisited if needed. This must be completed at the request of either party.
- Teachers will endeavour to address parents’/guardians’/carers’ concerns.
- Should parents / guardians / carers feel their concerns have not been addressed, we encourage them to contact the Principal to discuss their concerns.
- The Principal will:
- meet with the teacher to discuss parents' / guardians' /carers' concerns,
- take action deemed appropriate to resolve any difficulties.
- The Principal will meet with the parents / guardians / carers and teacher to discuss concerns and seek a solution to the concerns.
- Parents / Guardians / Carers are welcome to take their concerns further by expressing them in written format to the Principal who will give a copy of such letter to the teacher. Such a concern will be:
- relayed to the Senior Leader,
- discussed with the Senior Leader,
- replied to as soon as appropriate.
- If parents still have concerns, they are able to follow the Brisbane Catholic Education Complaints procedure.

©Brisbane Catholic Education (2023)