Between the hours of 8.30am and 3.00pm on school days, all visitors to the school must report to the school office to register their presence in the school and receive an identification tag. When leaving the school grounds, visitors must report to the office to sign-out and return their badge. The term “Visitors” would include any parents who are helping in classrooms, salespeople, tradespeople etc. Parents walking their children to classrooms would be exempt from this procedure as long as it is before 8.30am and after 3.00pm.
Staff members, both full time and part time will be required to wear an appropriate identification badge that is easily recognised by the children attending this school.
Volunteer parents who work in school will also need to register at the office on their designated days of service. Identification badges will then be issued and later returned to the office.
Parents who need to drop children at school, after 8.30am or to collect them before 3.00pm, must first report to the school office and sign their child in / out of the school. This procedure is mandated due to Fire Regulations and Compliance.